

Powerful Yoga Mudras for Healing Health and Well Being | Ultimate Guide


Jnana or Gyan Mudra

The Mudra of knowledge and enlightenment, the Jnana Mudra translates to “divine knowledge” or “divine wisdom”. The Jnana Mudra is said to be able to bring an abundance of knowledge and enlightenment into your life and is often used by Yogis on their path to enlightened wisdom through Yoga.

The Jnana Mudra is most commonly practiced quietly during meditation and is often practiced in seated meditation poses and pranayama. The Jnana Mudra allows your inner awareness and wisdom to break free and grow, hence allowing you to stabilize and open your mind to infinite knowledge. This continual growth of inner-wisdom can give you the ultimate knowledge of the universe- Gyan. Consequently, this Mudra is also referred to as the “Gyan Mudra”.

Jnana Mudra
(Public Domain)

Origin of Jnana Mudra

The word “Jnana” is deeply rooted in ancient Sanskrit texts and is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning “knowledge”. The word Mudra is derived from the Sanskrit words “Mud” and “Dru” which directly translates to “pleasure” and “to bring forth” respectively.

How does the Jnana Mudra work?

In the art of Prana Yoga, it is believed that your fingers are associated with the different elements of nature – Vayu, Jal, Prithvi, Awash, and Agni. The index finger is believed to be associated with the element of Vayu (Air) and the thumb is believed to be associated with the element of fire (Agni). 

Vayu is believed to cause unsteadiness in the brain, hence disrupting you in your quest for enlightenment. The Jnana Mudra works by stabilizing the element of air by balancing it with Agni, thereby bringing complete stability to your mind. The combination of Vayu and Agni increases the efficiency of your brain and hence, the Jnana Mudra is also known as the “Vaayu Vardhak Mudra”.

How to do the Jnana Mudra?

First, begin in a comfortable meditative pose- preferably with your legs crossed on the ground. Begin by spreading your palms and bringing your index fingers towards your thumbs. With your index finger and thumb still touching, straighten out your other fingers. Place your hands on your thighs and take a deep breath. Ensure that you practice this for at least 15 minutes while you meditate.

Benefits of Jnana Mudra

  1. Extremely effective in treating thyroid problems, hypopituitarism, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.
  2. Practising the Jnana Mudra can also cure sleep issues such as insomnia.
  3. It improves concentration and can stabilize the mind.
  4. It brings enlightenment of your mind, body and soul.
  5. It calms the mind and improves the efficiency of the endocrine system
  6. It improves control and awareness, thereby allowing you to overcome your addictions.

Prithvi Mudra

Among the five elements that make up your body, when it comes to the relationship between various elements, the earth element is the most important. The earth element in your body symbolizes trust, strength (physically and spiritually), firmness, and stability. Although the earth element has many characteristics that make your life grounded and healthy, the earth element is even more unbalanced due to your daily work arrangements. Therefore, maintaining a balance is very important.

Here, the Prithvi Mudra comes in handy, as it balances the elements in your body. It allows you to forge a connection with the earth, thereby allowing you to connect with your inner self with ease. It is also essential to keep you grounded and calm. It is also believed that the Prithvi Mudra is the Mudra of healing, as it stimulates the pineal gland- the center responsible for healing.

Prithvi Mudra
(Public Domain)

Origin of Prithvi Mudra?

The Prithvi Mudra has deep roots in the ancient Vedic scriptures and is derived from the Sanskrit word “Prithvi”, which directly translates to “The Vast One”- symbolic of the Mother Goddess, the Earth.

How does the Prithvi Mudra work?

Prithvi Mudra is a symbolic gesture to bring a holistic approach to the body or life into reality so that we can feel grounded. The thumb is associated with the fire element and the ring finger is associated with the energy of the earth element. This Mudra uses the movement of your thumb and ring finger to generate a balance of elements within your body. 

Certain habits in your daily life will reduce the earth elements in your body and cause a plethora of ailments in your body. Certain habits in your daily life will reduce the earth elements in your body and cause a plethora of ailments in your body. Hence, the Prithvi Mudra increases the earth element in your body and reduces the excess fire. Therefore, this mudra helps to cure various diseases caused by an imbalance of these elements in your body.

How do you do the Prithvi Mudra?

First, begin in a comfortable meditative yoga asana- preferably on the ground, cross-legged. It is of utmost importance to be comfortable to boost your focus. Following this, take a deep breath to ensure the flow of Prana (essential life force) through your body. 

Now, bring the tips of your ring finger towards the tips of your thumbs. Extend the rest of your fingers as much as possible, and bring your hands to your thighs. Take a deep breath and begin to chant the mantra “Om”. Not only does this remove the negative pattern of thoughts in your mind, but it also brings focus and serenity to your mind.

Benefits of Prithvi Mudra

  1. Physical benefits of the Prithvi Mudra include boosted hair growth and weight gain
  2. It prevents the formation of ulcers and acidity  caused due to excessive fire element in the body
  3. It sends a jolt of energy throughout your body
  4. It can heal injured skin and tissues

Vayu Mudra

Vayu Mudra is a yoga hand gesture or symbol used to balance the air element in your body. This can be easily achieved by bending the index finger and pressing the thumb. The air element in our body helps control various types of pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, etc., as well as various mental illnesses. Practicing Vayu Mudra can easily solve problems related to the imbalance of the air element in your body.

Vayu Mudra
(Public Domain)

Origin of Vayu Mudra

The Vayu Mudra has deep roots in the ancient Vedic scripts and has been derived from the Sanskrit word “Vayu” which directly translates to “Air”. 

How does the Vayu Mudra work?

The thumb is closely associated with the element of fire and the index finger is closely associated with the element of air. When these two fingers are pressed together, the fire element dominates over the air element and suppresses it. This helps to relieve conditions caused by excessive fire elements, such as gas, bloating, and other gastric issues.

How to do the Vayu Mudra?

One of the easiest Mudras to perform, Begin the Vayu Mudra by assuming a comfortable meditative pose. Since it is of utmost importance to be in a calm state of mind during this Mudra, ensure that you relax before you begin. Slowly, bring the tips of your Index fingers to the base of your thumbs. Proceed to exert pressure on the base of your thumbs with your index fingers.

Now, extend the rest of your fingers as much as possible and place them on your thighs. Take a deep breath and begin to chant “Om”.

Benefits of Vayu Mudra

  1. Practising the Vayu Mudra can reduce the effect of Parkinson’s disease as it stimulates the production of Dopamine in your brain.
  2. It stimulates the endocrine glands and can help you overcome gastric problems
  3. It is useful to bring about calmness and serenity of mind
  4. It can strengthen your immune system

Shunya Mudra

Your body is composed of the five elements of nature and the balance of these elements within your body preserves your health. However, in some cases, there is an excess of the Space element (Awash) within your body. However, Awash is a dominant element and an excess of it in your body stops the growth of the other elements.

However, the Shunya Mudra can be used to counteract this effect. Also known as the “Hand Gesture of Emptiness”, the Shunya Mudra decreases the amount of Awash in your body.

Shunya Mudra
(Public Domain)

Origin of Shunya Mudra

The Shunya Mudra was derived from the Sanskrit words “Shunya” which directly translates to “empty”, “Void” or “Zero”- symbolic of the vast emptiness of space. This Mudra is also referred to as the “Heaven Mudra”, as it refers to the sky or the heavens.

How does the Shunya Mudra work?

Sit comfortably in a meditative pose such as Padmasana (lotus pose), Vajrasana (lightning pose), Sukhasana (light pose). Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Following this, bend the middle finger of your hand and bring it to the base of your thumb. Extend your other fingers as much as you can and place your hands on your thighs.

Practice this Mudra during meditation in the mornings for 20-30 minutes a day for the best results.

Benefits of Shunya Mudra

  1. It can provide relief from earache, tinnitus and deafness.
  2. Can help you overcome motion sickness.
  3. Cures numbness- a condition caused by excessive space elements in your body.
  4. Prevents heart diseases
  5. Can be effective in stimulating your heart chakra.

Surya Mudra

Surya Mudra is an arrangement of fingers (gesture) that represents the energy your body gains from sunlight. The energy of the sun also represents the fire element of the body. The Sanskrit term for fire is “Agni”, hence Surya Mudra is also known as Agni Mudra. To achieve an optimal balance between the 5 elements of the body, Surya Mudra removes the earth element and increases the fire element. Hence, the Surya Mudra is also known as Agni Vardhak (Fire Reinforcement) Mudra.

Surya Mudra
(Public Domain)

How does the Surya Mudra Work?

Fire is an essential element when it comes to yoga (yoga discipline). It acts as a catalyst that increases your will to practice more intense forms of yoga. In yoga, the fire element is synonymous with tapas (one of the 3rd Niayamas). Tapas is a person’s ability to discipline themselves. It can quickly channel or increase your body’s internal strength.

How to do the Surya Mudra?

Assume a comfortable meditative pose- preferably cross-legged on the ground. Bend the ring finger so that the tip of the ring finger just touches the base of the thumb (on the third row of the thumb). At this point, simultaneously press the tip of the thumb on the second phalanx of the ring finger. Keep three fingers of your hand slightly stretched and straight throughout the meditation.

Benefits of Surya Mudra

  1. Since this Mudra increases the fire element, it helps maintain your metabolism.
  2. It can increase your body temperature and relieves dry skin, flu and joints.
  3. It can reduce your cholesterol levels.
  4. It can help you increase your appetite
  5. It helps relieve thyroid-related disorders

Prana Mudra

Prana is the essential life force that runs through the veins of all living beings- the essence of life. Hence, it is of utmost importance to maintain a perfect balance of Prana within your body. The Prana Mudra is the most effective Mudra to maintain the flow of Prana within your body and to awaken your senses.

The Prana Mudra is considered to be the most vital Mudras due to its powerful nature and ability to activate the dormant energies within your body.

Prana Mudra
(Public Domain)

How does the Prana Mudra work?

Prana means “energy” or life. Prana Vayu is extremely important to Vayu. Prana Mudra stimulates the root chakra, generating more thermal vibrations, awakening the body and full of energy. The vitality increases exponentially and stimulates the entire human body. Body and awaken all organs.

How to do the Prana Mudra?

Assume a suitable meditative Yoga Asana and calm your mind and relax your body. Slowly, bring the tips of your ring finger to your thumb. Make sure your other fingers are extended straight. Bring your hands to your thighs and take deep breaths. Begin to chant the Mantra “So-Hum” as you meditate. Continue this for 30-40 minutes.

Benefits of Prana Mudra

  1. It can combat vitamin deficiencies and help you overcome hunger pangs.
  2. It promotes calmness and serenity of the mind
  3. It battles fatigue and weakness
  4. It helps to manage your emotions
  5. It can enhance your immune system

Apana Mudra

When waste and toxins build up in your body, there is an imbalance in your physical and mental state. Apana Mudra is one of those mudras that has the power to remove toxins, wastes, and negative thoughts, patterns, and habits from your body.

Apana Mudra
(Public Domain)

How does the Apana Mudra work?

The elements earth and ether play a vital role in excretion in the body. When these two elements are unbalanced, the body becomes heavy due to the blocking of the excretory organs (anus and genitals). When you perform the Apana Mudra, you bring the Earth element and Space element (thumb) in contact with the fire element. In yoga psychology, fire is seen as the main factor that distorts the imbalances that exist among other factors. Therefore, the practice of Apana Mudra can balance the elements related to human excretion.

How to perform the Apana Mudra?

Assume a comfortable meditative stance, preferably cross-legged on the ground. Relax your mind and calm your body before you begin. Take a deep breath and observe the flow of oxygen throughout your body. 

Following this, bring the tips of your middle finger and ring finger towards the tip of your thumb on both hands. While you extend your other two fingers, exert pressure on your middle finger and ring finger with your thumb. 

Slowly place your hands on your thighs and begin to take deep breaths. Try to perform this Mudra for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

Benefits of Apana Mudra

  1. It can help control the symptoms of diabetes
  2. It can provide relief from stomach pain, gas and constipation
  3. It has the power to strengthen your joints and muscles
  4. It helps to open up blocked pores to allow impurities to be released from your body

Vayu Vyana Mudra

Also known as the Kubera Mudra, the Vyana Mudra is one of the most important Mudras due to its close association with “Vyana”, one of the 10 forms of Prana (essential life force). Residing in the heart, the Vayu Vyana Mudra is also one of the 5 Vatas- the energy associated with movement.

Hence, this Mudra is extremely beneficial for all types of movement in your body- ranging from the circulation of blood to the blinking of your eyes. When you live an improper lifestyle, it hampers the functioning of your “Vyana”, and hence your bodily functions start going awry. In this case, the Vayu Vyana Mudra comes in handy as it can restore Vyana in your body.

Vayu Vyana Mudra
(Public Domain)

How does the Vayu Vyana Mudra work?

The Vayu Vyana Mudra makes use of the fire element (the thumb), the air element (Index finger), and the space element (middle finger). The Vayu Vyana Mudra brings together a combination of these three elements in the body to bring about a series of therapeutic effects and supreme balance in your body.

How to perform the Vayu Vyana Mudra?

Assume a suitable meditative position, preferably seated cross-legged on the ground. Ensure your spine is upright and you take deep, conscious breaths. Calm your mind and relax your body before you begin.

Following this, bring your middle finger towards your index finger and curl them over to make contact with your thumb. Ensure your ring finger and little finger are extended and straight. Do this on both your hands.

Slowly bring your hands to your thighs and begin to meditate. Ensure you have a specific intent in your mind and take slow, aware breaths. Continue this for 15-30 minutes a day.

Benefits of Vayu Vyana Mudra

  1. It can help restore proper blood and oxygen circulation throughout your body.
  2. It can remove drowsiness and can reset your sleep cycle.
  3. It can allow you to control your body temperature.
  4. It can help you develop control over thirst, urination and sweating.
Last Modified on : 16 January 2022


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Cassidy Ellice is an experienced yoga instructor who has been teaching in New York City since 2004, with a unique approach that integrates Kundalini, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Dharma yoga. Growing up in a conscious family and studying Cultural Anthropology provided her with the spiritual and intellectual nourishment to take bold steps and trust in the universe’s guidance. In a significant transition last year, Cassidy made the decision to leave her financially secure job and join the Vedgyaan Family as a full-time writer. Her diverse background and life experiences inform her creative and inspiring writing, which continues to resonate with readers seeking wisdom and insight into the human experience.

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