The gateway between your inner self and the universe, the destroyer of negative emotions, the governor of expression and energy, creativity and inspiration, fight or flight reactions, and so on, The Vishuddha Chakra has firmly established itself as one of the most vital Chakras that exist within your body. Unlocking your Vishuddha Chakra will not only transform your life into one of your wildest desires but will also encompass you with unbridled serenity and peace.

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What is the Vishuddha Chakra?
The Vishuddha Chakra or the Throat Chakra is the fifth Chakra in the seven-chakra system of Hinduism. Located in your throat, the Vishuddha Chakra is responsible for your communication skills, expression, energy, and inspiration. It also governs your body language and reactionary tendencies.
In addition to this, the Vishuddha Chakra acts as a “detoxifying agent” of sorts, by removing harmful impurities of the mind, body, and soul. It is also considered to be the “Chakra of Preservation” as it is responsible for maintaining your health.
Owing to its location, In addition to emotional and spiritual qualities, the Vishuddha Chakra governs some of the most important physical aspects of your body- your thyroid gland and endocrine system. Endocrinological problems and disabilities like stunted growth or excessive growth can point to a blocked Vidhuddha Chakra.
When the Vishuddha Chakra is stable and properly aligned, it has the potential to imbibe your body with calmness, peace of mind, and healing powers. In addition to this, it can help you inculcate a deep connection with Brahman (the supreme governing force) and the Universe, a one-way path to ultimate enlightenment.
Origin of the Vishuddha Chakra
The Vishuddha Chakra is rooted in the Vedas and is derived from the Sanskrit word “Visuddha” which directly translates to “especially pure” or “purifying”. This Chakra was coined as “Vishuddha” because of its detoxifying and healing powers.
What does the Vishuddha Chakra look like?
The Chakra of Preservation, the Vishuddha Chakra is most commonly depicted as a white-color Lotus flower surrounded by sixteen purple-colored petals. The petals of the lotus are usually inscribed with the sixteen Sanskrit vowels: अ (a),आ (ā),इ (i), ई (ī), उ (u),ऊ (ū), ऋ (ṛ), ॠ (ṝ), ऌ (ḷ), ॡ ( ḹ), ए (e), ऐ (ai), ओ (o),औ (au) अ: (h), अं (ṃ). These vowels correspond to the Hindu Mantras – the Mantra Ong, Sama Mantras, Mantras Hung, Phat, Washat, Swadha, Swaha, Namak, Amrita, and the seven melodies or tones of music respectively.

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Depicted in the center of the Lotus is an inverted triangle with a diagrammatic representation of the full moon- a symbol of purification. This area is often believed to be the representation of Akasha – the cosmic material that makes up the universe. Residing in this area is Ambara, the Hindu deity of the Sky. He is depicted as white-skinned, four-armed, and seated on a large white elephant.
The colour Blue
The color of the Throat Chakra is a bright but soothing blue color. Not only is blue the color of peace and harmony, but it is also the color of communication and expression. The blue color of the throat chakra is what enables you to express yourself and speak the truth. It also purifies your mind by removing any negative thoughts that dwell within and allows you to feel complete and utter serenity.
What Vishuddha Chakra Really Do And What Are It’s Powers?
In addition to preserving the health of your body, the Vishuddha Chakra is responsible for allowing you to communicate with those around you, yourself, the divine, and the universe. It is what governs your ability to express yourself, understand those around you and your inner-self.
Akasha or Space is the defining element of the Throat Chakra. Just as how Space is never-ending and always expanding, the mind and perception are also endlessly expansive. An unlocked Vishuddha Chakra allows you to expand your mind and your thoughts by imbibing it with the truth. It allows you to feel the guiding energy of the universe and helps you understand those around you.
How do You know If You Have a Blocked Vishuddha Chakra?
When your Vishuddha Chakra is blocked, you begin to experience a plethora of problems ranging from a breakdown in communication skills to feelings of crushing loneliness and detachment. Since it is so closely associated with the endocrine system, a blocked Vishuddha Chakra can lead to a variety of physical problems such as an unhealthy thyroid.
Some of the most common symptoms of a blocked Vishuddha Chakra are:
- Loss of Vocabulary and being unable to find the right word to describe something that you are talking about.
- Feelings of hesitation and an inability to express your emotions.
- Aggressive and irritable behavior.
- Sore throat and Tonsillitis.
- Fluctuations in weight and hormone levels.
- Stunted or excessive growth.
How do you balance and unblock your Vishuddha Chakra?
Unblocking or Balancing your Vishuddha Chakra is a sure-fire way to ensure your life is filled with the joy that freedom and an enhanced perception can bring into your life. It will also allow you to be able to understand the thoughts and feelings of your loved ones better and also gives you the chance to understand yourself better. Not only does it allow you to enhance your communication skills in the mortal realm, but it also allows you to develop a deep and unique connection with Brahman (the supreme governing force) and the universe.
There are a wide variety of techniques that can be used to unblock and stimulate your throat chakra to its fullest potential. These techniques can range from simple meditation to changing your diet. Some common and effective methods to unblock your Chakra includes:
Seed Mantra To Unblock Your Vishuddha Chakra
The Seed Mantra (the Mantra that gives the Chakra its spiritual power) is the Sanskrit syllable हं (haṃ). In the dot or the “Bindu” above the mantra resides Sadashiva- the Supreme God of the Hindu sect Shaivism. Sadashiva is depicted with five faces representing the senses of taste, sound, touch, smell, and sight.
In this form, the right portion of Sadashiva’s body is a white-skinned Shiva while the left side of his body is a golden-skinned Shakti, the divine feminine. Sadashiva is adorned with tiger skin and carries celestial weapons in his ten arms.
Depicted next to Sadashiva is Shakini, his Shakti (manifestation of his power). Shakini is depicted as white-skinned, five-faced, three-eyed, four-armed, and atop a red, shining lotus.
Yoga Asanas To Unblock Your Vishuddha Chakra
Over the years, Yoga has developed into one of the most effective techniques for stimulating all your inner Chakras and has proven to be the best technique to unblock your Chakras and access their full potential.
Through a variety of positions or “Asanas”, Yoga forged a connection or a bridge between your physical body and your spiritual body. Some Asanas that have proven to be effective for unblocking the throat Chakra includes:
Sarvangasana- Shoulder Stand
In this Asana, you begin with lying on your back on the ground. Slowly as you inhale, you begin to lift your legs off the ground until only your upper torso remains on the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds before resuming the rest position.

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This position has proven to be extremely effective in stimulating the thyroid gland and the endocrine system. In addition to this, it promotes blood circulation and overall health and hence, is extremely effective in unblocking the Vishuddha Chakra.
Halasana- Plough Pose
This position also begins with you lying on your back on the ground. Slowly, as you inhale, you bring your legs off the ground and keep bringing them up and backward until your toes reach the top of your head. Hold this position for a few seconds before resuming the rest position.

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In addition to stimulating the thyroid gland, this position is extremely beneficial in calming your nervous system and ridding your body of headaches, stress, and fatigue. By stimulating the thyroid and the nervous system, this Asana can effectively unblock the Vishuddha Chakra.
Meditation To Unblock Your Vishuddha Chakra
Meditation has proven to be a useful technique to not only unblock your Chakras but also to attract positive vibrations and enlightenment. It helps to remove any “noise” in your mind, hence opening it to desirable thoughts and emotions.
To use meditation to unblock your Vishuddha Chakra, Mindful Meditation should be performed. In this form of meditation, you direct your focus to every inhale and every exhale. As you inhale air, visualize it flowing down your throat and filling up your lungs. Similarly, while exhaling, visualize all the negativity and impurities in your body leaving with your breath.
Affirmations To Unblock Your Vishuddha Chakra
Another effective technique to unblock your Chakras is by repeating positive affirmations to yourself. Often, negative thoughts and emotions overwhelm the mind, causing your Chakras to close or become imbalanced. However, Positive affirmations can reprogram these negative thoughts in your mind with positive ones.
Some positive affirmations that have proven to be effective are:
- I can communicate confidently and with ease.
- I am comfortable with expressing myself and speaking my inner thoughts.
- I am balanced in speaking and comprehension.
- I am an active listener and can understand the thoughts and emotions of others.
- I speak the truth and I speak my thoughts with utmost clarity.
- I can set clear boundaries and understand what I am comfortable with.
Food To Unblock Your Vishuddha Chakra
In the same way that negative thoughts can have a negative effect on your Chakras, unhealthy food can also cause your Chakras to become unbalanced or blocked. Hence, it is of utmost importance to make sure that you consume food that has a positive impact on your body.
To positively influence your Vishuddha Chakra, begin with reducing your sugar intake. In addition to this, eating brown rice, fruits, and vegetables can help to stimulate your Chakras. Fruits that grow on trees, such as apples, oranges, mangoes, and so on, are closely associated with the throat chakra and hence, can help to balance it.
Salt, lemongrass, ginger, and other soothing spices can be added to food to promote healing in the Throat Chakra.
In conclusion, the throat chakra has the potential to be your biggest asset – allowing you to communicate effectively and understand other people with ease. When your understanding and clarity are enhanced, it allows you to cleanse your body and mind of negativity and toxicity, allowing you to flourish and develop into a truly enlightened being.