

Svadhishthana Chakra: The Sacral Chakra | Unlock Your Creativity Potential


The Chakra of unbounded transformational power, The spiritual energy that determines your relationships, emotions, and creativity, the originator of creative expression within your body, the Chakra that imbibes the steady flow of energy within your body just as water flows down a stream, The Svadhishthana Chakra is one of the most vital energy points in your body, allowing you to express yourself freely, form relationships and live life on your terms. Firmly established as the Chakra of freedom and transformation, it is important to strive to unlock this Chakra within you and transform it into your true, unbridled, creative self.

Svadhishthana Chakra
(Public Domain)

What is the Svadhishthana Chakra?

The Svadhishthana Chakra or the “Sacral Chakra” is the second chakra in the seven-chakra system of Hinduism. One of the most vital Chakras for human survival, the Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel, in your lower abdomen. This Chakra is widely revered as the Chakra of transformation as it propagates letting go and adapting to changes in your life.

The Svadhisthana Chakra is the Chakra that is associated with your reproductive organs and kidneys. It is also closely related to your sense of taste, pleasure, relationships, sense of self, and fertility. It is symbolic of flexibility and flow and is often described as “the dwelling place of self”. 

Being one of the most vital Chakras that reside within you, it is of extreme importance to make sure that it remains stable and balanced. An unbalanced Svadhishthana Chakra can directly affect your emotions, physical health, reactions to changes, and relationships. As this Chakra is closely associated with desires and expression, unblocking it can lead to an explosion of creativity, satisfaction, and confidence in your life.

Origin of the Svadhishthana Chakra

The word Svadhishthana has deep Vedic roots and was derived from the Sanskrit words “Swa”, which translates to “self” and “Adhisthana”, which translates to “established”. To summarize, it is believed to mean “The place where your being is established”.

The Svadishthana Chakra is closely related to the element of “Water”. Consequently, this Chakra is often associated with flow and flexibility.

What does the Svadhisthana Chakra look like?

If you come across a diagrammatic representation of the Svadhishthana Chakra, you will notice that it is commonly depicted as a white lotus flower with six orange-colored petals. The petals are inscribed with the syllables बं (baṃ), भं (bhaṃ), मं (maṃ), यं (yaṃ), रं (raṃ) and लं (laṃ), each symbolic of a different virtue.


The Svadhishthana Chakra is also associated with the element of water. As a result, it mimics the flow and flexibility of water by being responsible for your emotions, adaptability, and flexibility in your own life and within your interpersonal relationships. Hence, this Chakra is depicted as having a white crescent moon inside the lotus – a representation of water and Varuna, the water deity.

The bright orange color of this Chakra is considered to be symbolic of creativity and pleasure – it is believed that the orange color will boost your creativity and expression and will bring you more pleasure in life, be it related to your career, relationships, or yourself.

Why do you need to unlock the Svadhishthana Chakra?

The Svadhishthana Chakra is brimming with spiritual energy that has the power to change your life when it is unlocked or stabilized. It is the energy center of transformational and creative power, and when you can access this power, it can cause your anxiety and depression to fade away, leaving you with confidence, pleasure, adaptability, strength, and creativity.

Water element

Since the Svadhishthana Chakra is associated with the element of water, it is considered to have an intense and energetic flow of power. Due to the immense power of this energy, it is important to control it, otherwise, it may lead to destructive consequences in your life. However, when you can stabilize this chakra, emotions flow freely through your body which enhances your perceptions and communication skills.

Satisfaction of Desires

One of the most significant aspects of the Svadhishthana Chakra is passion and desire. Properly understanding this Chakra will allow you to shape your desires and hone your creativity. Unlocking this Chakra will allow you to interpret your emotions correctly and will help you form relationships that suit you. It also plays a major role in your emotional well-being, sexuality, and emotional expression.

Intimacy in relationships

Another significant aspect of this Chakra is personal identity and relationships. A balanced Svadhishthana Chakra will allow you to balance your emotions, thoughts, and feelings of attraction to other people. A balanced Chakra will allow you to keep your emotions in check and take calculated risks.

What are the signs of an Unbalanced Svadhishthana Chakra?

The Chakra of personal identity, relationships, desires, creativity, confidence, emotional well-being, and so on, It is of utmost importance to make sure that your Svadhishthana Chakra remains balanced and stabilized. If you are unable to control this energy, it may cause an imbalance in your chakras which can lead to a plethora of problems, ranging from irritability and the inability to control your emotions to depression, sensitivity, and anxiety.

Common symptoms of an Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

  1. As it is located in the lower abdomen, an unbalanced Chakra might lead you to have severe back pain and back problems.
  2. Due to its association with the reproductive system, any issues that you might face regarding sexual health and menstruation might be due to an imbalance in this Chakra.
  3. Low energy and Anemia have also been traced back to an unbalanced Sacral Chakra.
  4. Hip issues and Joint problems are also a consequence of the instability of this Chakra.
  5. Kidney and Spleen problems are also a consequence of the instability of this Chakra.

What if Svadhisthana Chakra is overactive or underactive?

Due to the intense nature of this Chakra, it can produce too much spiritual energy within your body or too little. In both cases, a hyperactive or an underactive Chakra can have chaotic results. As a result, it is of utmost importance to make sure that you regulate the amount of energy that you derive from the Svadhishthana Chakra.

Overactive Chakra

If you have an overactive Chakra, too much spiritual energy will be released in your body which can cause you to feel overwhelmed, hyper-active, and overtaken by your emotions. You begin to feel your emotions more strongly, which may cause you to experience mood swings or become hypersensitive.

These overwhelming emotions may cause you to feel extremely dissatisfied and unhappy with yourself and your life, which can encourage unhealthy habits and addictive behavior.

Underactive Chakra

If you have an Underactive Chakra, not enough spiritual energy may be flowing through your body- taking a major toll on your mental and physical health. It can cause you to become sensitive, lose control and render you unable to adapt to situations or changes in your life.

An underactive Chakra also takes a toll on your ability to create, express yourself and form stable relationships. It can also cause a psychological imbalance, causing you to withdraw from yourself and others, leading to anxiety and depression.

Symptoms of Underactive Svadhishthana Chakra

  1. Loss of creativity and the ability to express yourself and your emotions.
  2. Lack of any feeling of satisfaction, fulfilment and desire.
  3. Intense feelings of anxiety, depression and sensitivity.
  4. Lack of pleasure and low libido.
  5. Overwhelming sensations of insecurity, doubt, fear, detachment and fatigue.

How to treat an unbalanced Svadhishthana Chakra?

It is widely believed that one of the major factors behind a blocked or unbalanced Svadhishthana Chakra is fear, anxiety, and the fear of death. Overcoming this fear is one of the first steps you must take when learning to balance your Chakra. In addition to this, positive affirmations, meditation, and yoga techniques can help you balance this Chakra.

Build a connection with Water

Owing to the close relationship between the Svadhishthana Chakra and water, connecting with water can help you control the flow of energy within yourself. Connecting with large water bodies or even taking a simple warm bath can promote balance and restore your emotional wellness.


Mediation uses a combination of breathing techniques and concentration that can strengthen your mind, body, and soul. Over time, meditation proves to be extremely useful in rewriting negative patterns in your life with positive ones- thereby promoting well-being and balance in your Svadhishthana Chakra.

Yoga Poses/Asanas

Over the years, Yoga has been developed to target your inner Chakras and to bring about balance and well-being by activating the power of those Chakras. Similarly, practicing Yoga can help activate the Svadhishthana Chakra and can be used to heal any imbalances within the Chakra.

Some of the most useful Yoga positions or “Asanas” to promote balance in the Svadhishthana Chakra include

Crow Pose- Kakasana

In this pose, you place your palms firmly on the ground and lift your body by using the power of your wrists. This pose has proven to be extremely effective in bringing about mental balance, strength, and concentration. This pose stimulates the Svadhishthana Chakra and reduces fatigue.

Crow Pose
(Public Domain)

Triangle Pose- Trikonasana

This position begins with standing upright and stretching your limbs. Slowly, while taking a deep breath, raise your hand into the hair and bend sideways, touching your hand to your leg. This pose was found to be effective in realigning the spine, increasing blood flow, stimulating the abdomen muscles – thereby stimulating the Svadhishthana Chakra.

Triangle Pose
(Public Domain)

Seed Mantra To Unblock Your Svadhishthana Chakra

Every Chakra is inscribed with a seed mantra that makes it effective – The seed mantra of this chakra is वं (Vam), inscribed in a moon-white color. The dot or “Bindu” located above the seed Mantra is considered to be the abode of Lord Vishnu, the God of Preservation. 

This depiction of Lord Vishnu portrays him as blue-skinned, four-armed, wearing a yellow dhoti and holding a mace, conch, and a lotus in his hands, riding Garuda the eagle- his divine vehicle. Next to him is Rakini, Lord Vishnu’s Shakti (manifestation of his divine energy). Rakini is black-skinned, four-armed, two-faced, holding a trident, lotus, drum, and vajra, or an arrow, skull, drum, and axe in her arms.

Positive affirmations To Balance Your Svadhishthana Chakra

It is important to understand the impact that positivity and positive phrases can have on your psyche. It is believed that subconscious negativity exists within yourself, owing to years of being surrounded by a toxic or negative environment. Repeating positive affirmations to yourself can help to “reprogram” your psyche to develop positive feelings rather than negative ones and raise energy vibrations that can unlock this Chakra.

Some positive affirmations that are most effective in balancing your Svadhishthana Chakra include

  1. “I am creative and exude creativity in all my endeavours”
  2. “I am passionate and can develop strong relationships with myself, my career and my loved ones”
  3. “I have boundaries that protect me and my emotions”


In conclusion, The Svadhisthana Chakra has firmly established itself as one of the most vital Chakras in your body- the originator of your creativity, joy, emotions, relationships, and so on. Humanity’s greatest joy lies in forging meaningful relationships and developing a connection with the Universe and hence, it is of utmost importance to unlock your Svadhishthana Chakra and transform into a brand new individual.

Last Modified on : 16 January 2022


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Cassidy Ellice is an experienced yoga instructor who has been teaching in New York City since 2004, with a unique approach that integrates Kundalini, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Dharma yoga. Growing up in a conscious family and studying Cultural Anthropology provided her with the spiritual and intellectual nourishment to take bold steps and trust in the universe’s guidance. In a significant transition last year, Cassidy made the decision to leave her financially secure job and join the Vedgyaan Family as a full-time writer. Her diverse background and life experiences inform her creative and inspiring writing, which continues to resonate with readers seeking wisdom and insight into the human experience.

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