

Manipura Chakra: The Navel Chakra | Your Source Of Power And Energy


The Chakra of infinite energy, the Chakra of confidence and inner power, and the collector of the cosmic energy of the Universe, unlocking the Manipura Chakra will imbibe you with spiritual power and energy, confidence and sheer will, dynamism and greatness. 

Manipura Chakra
Manipura Chakra
(Public Domain)

What is the Manipura Chakra

The Manipura Chakra or the Solar Plexus Chakra is the third Chakra in the seven-chakra systems of Hinduism. The Manipura Chakra is located four finger-widths above the navel and is considered to be a healing Chakra, where your spiritual power, confidence, willpower, and dynamism present themselves.

This Chakra is closely associated with your pancreas and digestive system and is considered to be the controller of your metabolism. It can bring about a balance in your body and when unblocked, can depart confidence, sense of self, health, high self-esteem, and strength to you and your physical body. 

In addition to this, The Manipura Chakra is said to distribute Prana (life-force) throughout your body. Also known as the “Solar Plexus Chakra”, it is believed that this Chakra absorbs the vital “Prana” from the sun and assimilates it into your physical body.

A Chakra of supreme importance, it is vital for you to maintain a stable and balanced Manipura Chakra within your body. An unbalanced Manipura Chakra often comes with a plethora of mental and physical problems, ranging from depression and low self-esteem to over-eating and weight gain.

Origin of Manipura Chakra

The word Manipura has significant Vedic roots and has been derived from the Sanskrit words “Mani” and “Pura”, which together form the word which means “City of Gems”. It is also referred to as “Lustrous Gem”.

The Manipura Chakra is closely associated with the element of fire and the power of the sun. It is believed that the heat of the fire helps your body in proper digestion and the absorbing powers of this Chakra absorb and assimilate the energies emitted by the Sun.

What does the Manipura Chakra look like?

If you have ever come across a diagrammatic representation of the Manipura Chakra, you will notice that it is often depicted as a yellow Lotus flower with ten dark-blue or black petals. The bright yellow color of the lotus is said to be symbolic of the brightness and balance of energy within your body.


The petals often mimic the color and nature of stormy clouds and contain the syllables ḍaṁ, ḍhaṁ, ṇaṁ, taṁ, thaṁ, daṁ, dhaṁ, naṁ, paṁ, and phaṁ within them. These syllables are symbolic of those human qualities that you must try and avoid, such as thirst, jealousy,  delusion, foolishness, fear, disgust, shame, and spiritual ignorance.

These petals are also representative of the ten Pranas or ten energy vibrations that are divided into two categories – Prana Vayus (the five energies that control the movement and function of various parts of the body) that include 

Prāna (Head), Apāna (Pelvis), Udāna (Throat), Samāna (Navel) And Vyāna (Entire body) 

and the Upa Pranas (the five energies that regulate bodily functions) that include 

Nāga (digestion), Kūrma (blinking), Devadatta (Yawning), Krikala (sneezing) and Dhananjaya (heart function).

Yellow Colour

The Manipura Chakra is always depicted as a bright, flourishing yellow that brings you a feeling of warmth and comfort when you look at it. It is also symbolic of your connection with the sun, fire, energy, and inherent intelligence. It is also transformative, as it symbolizes new beginnings and re-birth. A balanced Manipura Chakra allows you to hone your intelligence, reinvent yourself for the better and attract you to like-minded people.

Why You Must Unlock the Manipura Chakra?

The Manipura Chakra is the Chakra of balance, adaptability and personal spiritual power, and confidence. If your Manipura Chakra is in balance, it departs you with a true and complete sense of self, encourages self-faith, confidence, energy, power, self-esteem, and good health. 


The main aspect of the Manipura Chakra is its connection with the sun and fire. The element of fire is said to ignite a metaphorical flame within you, leaving you with newfound determination and the need to strive for success. It is also of extreme importance in promoting good health, as the heat of the fire is said to make sure your digestive system is functioning smoothly.

An unbalanced Manipura Chakra can often cause you to feel weak or hurt. However, when it is activated to its full potential, it inculcates blazing feelings of love and compassion within you.

Emotional Wellness

The Manipura Chakra is known to absorb the energies of the Sun and the Universe, in turn distributing Prana throughout your body. If your Manipura Chakra is unblocked, it distributes just the right amount of Prana throughout your body, which encourages emotional wellness, soundness of mind and increases your physical health.

What are the signs of a Blocked Manipura Chakra?

Often, an unbalanced or blocked Manipura Chakra can lead to a plethora of mental and physical issues, ranging from digestive issues to emotional imbalance. An excessive fire or the lack thereof can both cause physical and mental health issues, giving rise to the following symptoms

  1. Excessive Fire

When you have an excessive amount of fire burning within your Manipura Chakra or if you spend too much time on this Chakra, it can cause you to feel burnt-out or overwhelmed, hindering your productivity.

Excessive Fire can also lead to an imbalance in your emotions, causing you to become very impulsive and irritable- which may cause you to have angry or violent outbursts.

  1. Digestive Issues

One of the most common symptoms of a blocked Manipura Chakra is the beginning of digestive issues such as ulcers, constipation, improper digestion and absorption of nutrients, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatitis, and colon inflammation. If you face digestive problems, it is almost certain that you have a blocked Manipura Chakra.

  1. Emotional Imbalance

Often, a blocked Manipura Chakra manifests as severe emotional troubles that affect you both mentally and physically. You may begin to feel distrust towards loved ones, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, mood swings, attention deficit disorder. These emotional problems may also cause you to form unhealthy relationships and the development of addictive behaviors.

If you are facing an inability to express yourself properly, or you start having an identity crisis, that also points towards a blocked Chakra. It may also cause you to develop overly controlling and rigid behavior or it may cause you to become spineless and needy. 

How to Unblock And Balance Your Manipura Chakra?

An unblocked Manipura Chakra can leave you feeling empowered, confident, determined, and perceptive. A properly aligned Manipura Chakra can also further enable you to form more meaningful relationships, overcome your insecurities and balance your emotions and physical health. There are a variety of techniques that you can use to unblock your Manipura Chakra, ranging from positive affirmations to different Yoga techniques.

Seed Mantra To Unblock Your Manipura Chakra

At the center of the Manipura Chakra, you will observe a bright-red, inverted triangle encompassed by a fiery yellow circle. This represents the element of Fire and is the abode of Agni Deva, the Fire God. Agni is depicted as a radiant red, four-armed, and holding a spear.


The seed Mantra (the syllable that provides this Chakra with its energy) is the syllable “Ram”. In the dot or “Bindu” that exists above this letter, resides Rudra, God of Storms. Rudra is represented as white-skinned, three-eyed, and with a silver beard.

Depicted next to Rudra is Lakini, his Shakti (the manifestation of Rudra’s energy). Lakini is three-eyed, black-skinned, four-armed holding a thunderbolt, fire, and an arrow in her arms.

Yoga Asanas/Poses To Unblock Your Manipura Chakra

Over the years, Yoga has been developed as an extremely powerful technique to activate and balance your inner Chakras. Through a combination of a variety of different positions or “Asanas”, you can easily and effectively activate your Manipura Chakra.

Bow Pose- Dhanurasana

In this position, you lie flat on the ground on your stomach. Slowly, lift your legs and torso upwards, holding your legs with your hands. This position is said to be extremely effective in solving digestive problems and enhancing blood circulation throughout your body. It activates the Manipura Chakra and allows for increased blood flow to affected areas.

Bow Pose
(Public Domain)

Half-Spinal Twist- Ardha Matsyendrasana 

In this position, you sit up straight on the ground. Slowly, take one leg and twist it away from the torso. This position is considered to be detoxifying and increases your flexibility. It also allows you to activate the Manipura Chakra by enhancing blood circulation.

Half-Spinal Twist
(Public Domain)

Positive Affirmations To Unblock Your Manipura Chakra

Repeating positive affirmations to yourself has been proven to be extremely effective in reprogramming the negative thoughts and patterns that exist in your subconscious by replacing them with positive thoughts and energies- thereby stimulating the Manipura Chakra. 

Some effective affirmations include:

  1. “I feel calm, confident, and powerful.”
  2.  “I feel ready to face challenges.”
  3. “I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.”
  4. “I am ambitious and capable.”
  5. “I stand in my personal power.”

In conclusion, unlocking your Manipura Chakra is your one-way ticket to a new and transformed life, one in which you are your most confident self, one in which you are one with your innermost self and the Universe. Unlocking your Manipura Chakra to its fullest potential will not only bring about unbridled emotional wellness into your life but also unbridled joy and happiness.

Last Modified on : 16 January 2022


This article has been reviewed for accuracy, reliability and adherence to academic standards prior to publication.


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Cassidy Ellice is an experienced yoga instructor who has been teaching in New York City since 2004, with a unique approach that integrates Kundalini, Iyengar, Ashtanga, and Dharma yoga. Growing up in a conscious family and studying Cultural Anthropology provided her with the spiritual and intellectual nourishment to take bold steps and trust in the universe’s guidance. In a significant transition last year, Cassidy made the decision to leave her financially secure job and join the Vedgyaan Family as a full-time writer. Her diverse background and life experiences inform her creative and inspiring writing, which continues to resonate with readers seeking wisdom and insight into the human experience.

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