Your third-eye, sixth sense, the benefactor of clairvoyance and extrasensory perception, the bridge between the mortal and spiritual realm, the ultimate energy center of transcendence, the Ajna Chakra boasts immense power and abilities, with the potential to transform you from a mere mortal to an enlightened conduit of spiritual power and knowledge.

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What Does Ajna Chakra Mean?
The Ajna Chakra is the sixth Chakra in the seven-Chakra system of Hinduism. Also known as the third-eye Chakra, the Ajna Chakra is located in between the eyebrows and is responsible for enhanced perception and intuition. Just as how your two eyes give you the ability to see the world in front of you, the Ajna Chakra can give you the ability to see into the future.
In addition to this, the Ajna Chakra is the focal energy center or “tether” during meditation and yoga. If your Ajna Chakra is unblocked and stabilized, it activates your “inner vision”, allowing you to see beyond the mortal realm. It is the Chakra of Transcendence, as it allows you to escape the clutches of materialism and trivial matters of humanity, transferring you to the realm of higher consciousness.
Just as how a muscle gets stronger as you exercise it, the Ajna Chakra gets stronger the more you meditate and practice yoga. It is the gateway to the spiritual aspect of your body and hence, is strengthened by spiritual practices. Honing the spiritual power of this can help you forge a direct link between you and Brahman (the supreme governing force of the universe)- allowing you to receive and interpret messages from the past, future, and even the divine.
Origin of the Ajna Chakra
The Ajna Chakra (pronounced as “Agya Chakra”) is deeply rooted in the ancient Vedic scripts and is derived from the Sanskrit word “Ajna”, which directly translates to “to perceive” or “command”.
Owing to its location and its connection to perception and enlightenment, the associated sense organ is the Brain. Hence, any activity that stimulates the brain can positively impact your Ajna Chakra.
What does the Ajna Chakra look like?
The Ajna Chakra is commonly depicted as a transparent Lotus flower surrounded by two large white petals. The two white petals are believed to be symbolic of “Ida” and “Pingala”(The Nadis, the psychic channels that distribute “Prana” or life force throughout your body). Inscribed within the petals are the syllables हं (Ham) and क्षं (Ksham) which symbolize Lord Shiva and Shakti (the divine feminine) respectively.

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At the center of the lotus flower is an inverted triangle and a lotus flower, below which resides Hakini, Lord Shiva’s Shakti (a manifestation of his power). Together, it is believed that the triangle and the lotus flower represent wisdom and enlightenment. Hakini is often depicted as six-faced and six-armed, holding a book and a Japa mala (Rosary) in her arms.
What Indigo Colour Represent?
The color of the Ajna Chakra is Indigo, the color of thought and expression. It is believed that the indigo color of the Chakra can imbibe you with wisdom and knowledge and can help you forge a deep connection with the divine.
In addition to this, the Indigo color is said to unite all the senses as well as all the Chakras that exist in your body. Not only does this bring you immense clarity and strength, but it also helps you tap into the higher vibration spiritual energies that are present within your body.
What Ajna Chakra Really Do And What Are It’s Powers?
The Ajna Chakra is popularly known as the “eye of intuition and perception” due to its strong ability to expand your mind and soul. It works as the bridge between your physical body and your internal psyche- a sixth sense of sorts. A balanced and stabilized Ajna Chakra can help you interpret signals from nature and the universe, helping you to predict the near future.
In addition to seer-like abilities, a balanced Ajna Chakra can bring calmness, serenity, and self-awareness to your life. It can also imbibe you with psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and an expansive imagination.
How do you know if your Ajna Chakra is blocked?
Owing to its nature as the Chakra of enlightenment and transcendence, a blocked Ajna Chakra can often make you feel detached from yourself and the universe. It can also lead to an overwhelming amount of negative thoughts flooding your brain, causing you to feel impatient, burdened, jealous, and so on.
In addition to this, a blocked Ajna Chakra can increase your desire for materialistic items, pushing you further away from enlightenment. As you move further and further away from your spirituality, your intuition reduces and you become confused, hopeless, depressed, and indecisive. You may also find yourself becoming increasingly insecure and filled with self-doubt.
Owing to its location in the Brain, an unbalanced or blocked Ajna Chakra causes a variety of neurological and emotional problems, symptoms of which include:
- Pituitary and Pineal Gland disorders such as Hypothalamus.
- Disorders of the brain, mental health conditions such as depression, bi-polar disorder, Schizophrenia, anxiety and so on.
- Eye problems, headaches and migraines.
- Imbalances in the Endocrine system.
- Insomnia, multiple personality disorders.
Overactive Ajna Chakra
Although it is extremely rare, sometimes an overactive Ajna Chakra can also lead to a variety of problems in your life. It can cause you to be overwhelmed by your thoughts and emotions, hindering your ability to function normally.
In addition to this, an overactive third eye chakra can often mean that you are more tuned into the spiritual realm than you are meant to be. As a result, psychic activities overwhelm your body, mind, and soul, leaving you with harrowing paranormal encounters, vivid hallucinations that last for hours and can cause you to disassociate from the mortal realm.
How to unblock or balance your Ajna Chakra?
To balance or unblock your Ajna Chakra, you need to learn how to tap into your spiritual side, which requires an immense amount of patience and focus. It is important to focus on the positive aspects of nature and the world around you rather than negative emotions and thoughts. Developing a connection with nature and your inner-self can also help you stimulate your Ajna Chakra. To build focus and patience, you can practice certain Yoga positions or “Asanas” and practice meditation.
Seed Mantra To Unblock Your Ajna Chakra
The seed mantra Om of the Ajna Chakra is considered to be the most powerful sound in the universe- possessing immense spiritual power and energy. It is the symbol of supreme enlightenment and intelligence. A focus on this Chakra along with its seed mantra will allow you to expand your consciousness and inherit unforeseen knowledge and intelligence.

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The seed mantra (the mantra that imbibes the chakra with spiritual power) is “Om” or “Pranava Om”- the Supreme sound of the universe, at the utterance of which the Universe was born. It is believed that when this mantra is chanted out loud while visualizing the Ajna Chakra in your mind, it purifies and balances your mind, body, and soul.
In addition to this, it is believed that “Om” can enhance your perception and understanding. Together with the Ajna Chakra, this mantra can provide you with a new, enlightened understanding of the world and yourself and your own needs.
Yoga Asanas To Unblock Your Ajna Chakra
HeadStand- Shirshasana
To start this position, you begin lying on your back on the ground in the rest position. Slowly, as you inhale, bring your legs and torso up off the ground until only your arms and head remain on the ground.

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This Asana has proven to be extremely effective in increasing circulation and blood flow to your head. It stimulates your brain and activates your senses. Practicing this Asana daily can help activate your Ajna Chakra to its fullest potential.
Breathing And Meditation
One of the most effective ways to activate your Ajna Chakra is through focused breathing while you meditate. In a meditative pose, sit upright comfortably and close your eyes. Begin to visualize your third eye opening and concentrate all your energy on your Ajna Chakra. As you do this, inhale and visualize a bright light entering and awakening your third eye with your breath. Similarly, as you exhale, imagine all the negativity in your mind leaving with your breath.
Chanting while meditating is also an effective method to unblock your Ajna Chakra. In a meditative pose, begin to chant “Om” and focus on your third eye. The supreme sound of the universe, the mantra “Om” has the power to revitalize your body and mind with divine energy, thereby activating the Ajna Chakra.
Affirmations to Unblock Your Ajna Chakra
Recite these affirmations daily consistently to unblock chakra and to unlock your sixth sense potential:
- My third eye sees all
- I trust my intuition, always
- I am the source of my truth
- I am connected to my higher power
- I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe
The key is to Trust Your Intuition.
In conclusion, the Ajna Chakra acts as the bridge between the spiritual and the mortal realm and when activated, can imbibe you with otherworldly power. Forging a connection with your Ajna Chakra can not only open your mind to a realm of higher energy, but it can bring immense peace and harmony to your life- thereby establishing its role as one of the most vital energy centers in your body.