
Taurus Daily Horoscope



APR 20 - MAY 20

Major payoffs are headed your way, dear Taurus, as the Aquarius moon and Jupiter form an auspicious aspect. Take credit for and reap the rewards of your hard work, but continue to invest in what comes next. Rework long-term goals from behind the scenes while Mercury Rx and Pluto align this afternoon, encouraging you to improve upon existing agendas. Bring awareness to your patterns and how impulses have led to poor choices while Mars and Chiron square off, practicing self-love by vowing to change these cycles. Luckily, Luna steps in to offer support, helping you access resilience and patience. 

Taurus Love Horoscope

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Everyone has a dash of romance within them, even the most practical person. It’s just that it exists on a different plane, or is brought to light in a different way. Today you may be required to talk about a few things that are way over your head, but if you can persuade that special person that you have a sharp mind, you’ve got a chance.

Taurus Work Horoscope

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Turning your attention to other matters will not make the difficult ones go away. You might as well face your obstacles head on. Be open to creating a friendly and cooperative dialogue at all times. Doing so will make the day go much more smoothly.

Taurus Health Horoscope

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Today’s planetary movement makes the world seem very real to youwhatever you are feeling inside, you will have no problem finding something to identify with on the outside. You will benefit from asserting yourself on the physical plane under this transit. Consider doing something out-of-doors, a walk or run in the woods or in a park. Connect to the “healthiest” signs you see in nature and bring that natural confirmation back to your own emotional truth.

Change Zodiac Sign

MAR 21 – APR 19


JUL 23 – AUG 22

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