
Taurus Daily Horoscope



APR 20 - MAY 20

Trust that others are saying good things about you, dearest Taurus, as the Scorpio moon enters a mystic rectangle with Mercury, Mars rx, and Uranus. Recent developments within your life may have thrown your name into the gossip mill, but people won’t be in the mood to spread bad news. If you start to fret about your image, these fears likely stem from within and aren’t a reflection of what’s really going on. You’ll receive reassurance from a loved one when Neptune stirs later today, so be accepting of compliments as they arise. Get serious about what comes next, committing to big pictures when the moon enters Sagittarius and aspects Pluto.

Taurus Love Horoscope

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You generally want it all, or you don’t want any of it. The celestial configuration is helping you to learn how to balance this tendency. Gradually you are getting the message that it doesn’t help when you have such extreme reactions to events and issues within your relationships. You will see how you often cause problems by your own attitudes, and so you will gradually change.

Taurus Work Horoscope

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Your job may take you on several errands today and this is fine. Take advantage of tasks that get you out of your normal routine and into neighboring towns. Short-distance travel will bring new ideas to the issues that you are currently working on.

Taurus Health Horoscope

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Your usual groundedness and balance is a saving grace during times of troubled watersand when a challenging aspect occurs it’s time to hold on to what makes you feel secure and not let go! If you sense conflict with your loved ones or your boss, give yourself the benefit of isolation and distance. Keep your feelings close to your heart and move through this difficult period with the self-assurance that a solid health regimen can give you. Pay close attention to your body.

Change Zodiac Sign

MAR 21 – APR 19


JUL 23 – AUG 22

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