
Pisces Daily Horoscope



FEB 19 - MAR 20

Face challenges from a place of deep compassion for the self, beloved Pisces, as the Aquarius moon aspects Jupiter. Your intuition heightens when you observe before acting, giving the heart and mind a chance to work in tandem. Shed fears by reflecting on times when you adapted to hardships and came out stronger while Mercury rx and Pluto align this afternoon. This energy is also ideal for meditating, basking in nature, and finding gratitude. Work on building up confidence by prioritizing the interests and hobbies that make you unique when Luna, Mars, and Chiron activate later tonight. 

Pisces Love Horoscope

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Your partner (current or prospective) may have had enough of your royal nature, and feel like being alone today. You have a chance to show how much you care by allowing them time to themselves. If you complain and whine, you are bound to get on their nerves, affecting their opinion of you. You could do with a little space as well.

Pisces Work Horoscope

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When relations and situations get difficult, you are likely to enter “panic mode” and start making rash and hasty decisions. Be careful because this sort of reckless action will only get you into deeper trouble. Consult others before acting.

Pisces Health Horoscope

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Your sign is full of mysterythere is something secret behind the formal exterior that few people really get to see. You may even have trouble letting yourself “in” on the mystery sometimes. It is recommended to better know your spiritual side through some sort of meditation. Meditation can mean a lot of different thingschanting is not required! Whatever works for you that enables you to grow spirituallyas long as it is a consistent practicecan be considered meditation.

Change Zodiac Sign

MAR 21 – APR 19


JUL 23 – AUG 22

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