
Gemini Daily Horoscope



MAY 21 - JUN 20

Luck is on your side as the Aquarius moon and Jupiter align. Dear Gemini, I am inviting you to roll the dice and take up space. Reinforce your wishes by making them known internally, externally, and to your higher power. Your ability to read others increases while Mercury rx and Pluto align, inspiring you to take a second look at those you may have judged too quickly. Allow your perspective to shift so new relationships can flourish. Avoid debating on social media or shopping online while Mars and Chiron square off, as it would be easy to get carried away. Instead, focus on expanding the mind while Luna guides you toward higher thinking. 

Gemini Love Horoscope

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You love the idea of being able to confound people with words. Right now you have the chance to completely hoodwink your love interest into believing a little scheme or plan that you have cooked up. You may manage to fool them and feel really pleased with yourself, but don’t look so smug. They may yet have the last laugh, as what goes round comes round.

Gemini Work Horoscope

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There is a high-spirited feeling to the day that you should participate in. You are quick to judge someoneand then automatically, you will turn away from this person, and hence, away from the group consensus. Avoid doing this and simply enjoy your company.

Gemini Health Horoscope

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The sensitivity you have around issues concerning your health is rooted in your very nature. It is a nature rooted in action and receptivity. When your health is in question you tend to become depressed. Therefore, take the matters of exercise, rest, and a nutritious diet seriouslymake them priorities no matter where you are or what you are doing. Your sensitive nature depends on nurturing and constant attention.

Change Zodiac Sign

MAR 21 – APR 19


JUL 23 – AUG 22

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